Category Archives: Space

A Messenger From Afar Visting First

Hawaiian astronomers spotted a cigar-shaped asteroid traversing the solar system at 87,000 mph. The star gazers at the Pan-STARRS1 observatory determined that the 1400 foot long object’s origins were from an unknown star system and named it ‘Oumuamua’ or a ‘a messenger from afar arriving first’. Astronomers added that they had never seen this shape […]

Riverside Iowa

Wilbur Harrison had a hit with KANSAS CITY. My friend, Joe Fielder, traveled there in 1965. The police caught him in St. Louis. He escaped through the bathroom window. The 14 year-old reached KC the next day. He ordered a steak and then rode Greyhound to the South Shore of Boston. His parents were relieved […]

Rocket Lawnmower

There are no lawnmowers in Space. At least not in the pre-Jetson era.

We Are Not Alone

On April 4, 2013 the National UFO ALERT Rating System along with California, Florida, New York and Texas updated the UFO status alert to Code 3 with the Mutual UFO Network (MUFON) according to Huffington Post. California had 59 sightings in March. New York experienced 30. I have looked for space ships since my youth. […]

Back To Star Trek

According to the intro to the original STAR TREK TV series ‘Space is the final frontier’. Captain James T. Kirk and the crew of the Enterprise voyaged through the Cosmos from 1966 to 1969 Several Star Trek series followed the original, but in 2005 ENTERPRISE was not renewed, despite fans raising $32 million to finance […]