Category Archives: Space

RIP Rutger Hauer – Blade Runner

One of the greatest science fiction scene of all time is the ‘TEARS IN THE RAIN’ monologue by Rutger Hauer in BLADE RUNNER. I’ve seen things… seen things you little people wouldn’t believe. Attack ships on fire off the shoulder of Orion bright as magnesium… I rode on the back decks of a blinker and […]

Fly Me to The Moon 50

July 20, 1969. The eyes of the world broke away from the Vietnam War, the Paris Uprising, and the Mets challenging the National League. Most people’s vision was fixed on the Moon, as TVs and radios reported the lunar landing of Apollo 11 to an anxious planet. This space mission had been inspired by the […]

Next Year Andromeda

Andromeda is the spiral galaxy 225 million light years away from our star system. Four billion years from now the two galaxies are predicted to crash together. None of that will be there to witness that event. When I was a kid in the 1950s, Marvel Comics came out with a story NEXT YEAR ANDROMEDA. […]

Sic Transit Gloria Mundi

Sic transit gloria mundi translates from the dead language of Latin phrase into “Thus passes the glory of the world” in English, even though no one in America speaks that language. There is very little glory left in this world, which is why we look to the stars. Next year Andromeda.

A Messenger From Afar Visting First

Hawaiian astronomers spotted a cigar-shaped asteroid traversing the solar system at 87,000 mph. The star gazers at the Pan-STARRS1 observatory determined that the 1400 foot long object’s origins were from an unknown star system and named it ‘Oumuamua’ or a ‘a messenger from afar arriving first’. Astronomers added that they had never seen this shape […]