Dogs on Bongs

The US military has been fighting the Taliban in Afghanistan since 2002. Successes have been few and if anyone in the Pentagon was truthful then the architects of Operation WTF would admit to the world that there have been no successes. The initial collapse of the Taliban was not a collapse. The war-rived country faced a catastrophic winter famine and the rulers decided to fade into the woodwork rather than face the ‘shock and awe’ tactics of the long-distance bombers.

Mission accomplished by declared a little premature by then-President GW Bush.

Afghanistan’s borders are intact. A plus, however within those lines is chaos. Corruption and mismanaged military operations have created a drug state. Heroin is the biggest export and the refined product is hitting the high schools of America as a cheap alternative to Oxycontin, Russ Limbaugh’s drug of choice. Police have responded to the deluge with the Mod Squad snitches at $500 for a bust and training for drug sniffing dogs.

Police are secretive over these training practices, but the drug-sniffing hounds at airport look like junkies with $200 daily habits scratching bags for anything that will get them high.

“Woof, woof, I don’t want no doggie treats. Gimme a hit. Arf Arf.”

Suffolk County’s District Attorney said he was disappointed by the lack of tips from the youth of his district.

The only person who can catch a junkie is a junkie. Hire ten by offering bounties. All the dope you catch, you can keep. Junkies know their stuff and they don’t need to be trained like a dog.

Wake up in the morning and they’re ready for work.

“Gimme gimme I want.”

They will save America.

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