Autumn in Kabul

In 1842 15,000 British troops invade Afghanistan. The political officers installed a puppet king. The troops camped within the city. Payments were doled out to tribal chieftains to insure loyalty. After several months the India command decided to cut back on expenses and shorted a warlord in charge of the Kybher Pass. Within months the country was in rebellion and the British organized a hasty retreat from Kabul.



A doctor and his horse.

This weekend the Afghan rebels attacked two American outposts under cover of night.

Machine guns, rockets and grenades.

F-6s and Apache helicopter screamed to the rescue at dawn, but not before 10 soldiers went to their makers. General Stanley McChrystal, commander of the 100,000-strong US and NATO force in Afghanistan, continues to ask for more troops. it sounds as if he needs them. The reaction of the American public to this latest defeat.

They watched football and the Simpsons.

This war don’t mean shit to them and the sooner the Pentagon undersntads that fact the sooner our troops will be home. Until then everyone there is a target for the sake of the military-industrial fuck-ups. Like wall street, these motherfuckers have no idea what the fuck they’re doing.

Bring the troops home now.

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