Monthly Archives: November 2008

Thaksins Say Good-bye

Bad times got worse for the Thaksins who announced this week that their 32 years of marriage will terminate in divorce. Friends were shocked when the former PM said at a Hong Kong dinner, “We divorced in order to make everybody feel comfortable.” His wife was not invited to this dinner. She was not the […]

Good-Bye GM

“Whatever is good for GM is good for America.” I heard this adage throughout the 60s and 70s, even as GM manufactured ever worse versions of badly-designed cars. Gas guzzlers and with no eye for overseas sales. In fact one GM VP had the balls to answer a question about why GM wasn’t selling right-hand […]

Airplane Attention Getter

If you are on a plane, sitting next to someone who won’t leave you in peace, the easiest way to shut them up is to give them a heart attack. 1. Calmly open up your laptop case. 2. Remove your laptop. 3. Boot it. 4. Make sure the person can see the screen. 5. Mumble […]

Buddha’s Back

On the night of Barack Obama’s election as the 44th president the crowd in the Select Bar on Lafayette Street in Lower Manhattan sang loudly LET THE SUNSHINE. This song comes from the musical HAIR which proclaimed the dawning of Age of Aquarius, despite common thought that the Age of Aquarius began in 1447. Its […]

GW F BUSH loves blow

President GW F Bush was angry after someone on the staff of #44 leaked minutes of the Oval Office meeting between the incoming and outgoing presidents. It seems that GW F Bush won’t back the bail-out of the US automakers, unless the Democrats back his much-maligned free-trade agreement with Columbia. I’ve asked several smart friends […]