Good-Bye GM

“Whatever is good for GM is good for America.”

I heard this adage throughout the 60s and 70s, even as GM manufactured ever worse versions of badly-designed cars. Gas guzzlers and with no eye for overseas sales. In fact one GM VP had the balls to answer a question about why GM wasn’t selling right-hand drive cars in Japan with the comment, “To the Japanese left-handed drive is a mark of prestige.”

I’ve driven left-handed cars in France.

Scared the bejesus out of me.

GM is doomed without a federal bailout but even more doomed unless the corporation purge the entire upper-management, who have invested billions into SUV and trucks despite the upsurge of gas prices.

“Americans are big. We like big cars.” Another GM sales pitch.

In truth Americans are fat and can’t fit into smaller cars. I heard one obese Texan ask his wife, “Does the H3 Hummer make me look fat.”

If GM wants a bail-out, then they’ll have to change the way they make cars or else they’re still doomed.

And if GM goes, then so be it.

America will live on.

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