Monthly Archives: November 2008

169 Bar Chinatown NYC

My friends don’t really go to bars. The older ones hit bed early and the young ones like trendy nightspots, leaving me to wonder whether there are any bars for drinkers in this city. Luckily I’ve found a few that haven’t been ruined by slummers or hipsters, mostly because their remote locations protect them from […]

Cold As a Witch’s Teat

For the past 6 years I’ve spent my winters in Thailand. My springs, summers, and autumns too. This year I’m in New York. Latitude 40′ 47′ N. There are no palm trees in sight. Boreal winds ripped the final fall foliage from the branches. It’s official. I’m cold and the temperature will only getting colder, […]

Persona in Transit

Last year the nation’s of the world declared glam-rocker Gary Glitter a persona non grata after he was freed from prison in Vietnam. The singer of ROCK AND ROCK Parts 1 and 2 sought to avoid a return to his native England by deboarding in Bangkok. He was shuffled off to Hong Kong, but the […]

Low High Season 2008

Traditionally Europeans flock to Thailand for the cold season, however this year tight budgets are forcing foreigners to stay home. Already shops, bars, and hotels depending on the holiday trade are sensing a drastic downturn in sales and the national airport is already reporting a 33% per cent decrease in arrivals. Everyone is going to […]

No Where for Hillary

The American Press theorized this week’s meeting between Hillary Clinton and Barack Obama would lead to the New York senator’s appointment to the position of Secretary of State in the next administration, however sources within the Obama camp have intoned that the incoming president made no offer. “More like nice of you to come by, […]