Attack on Iran Emminent

Israeli military officials have been warning the world about Iran’s nuclear capability. GW Bush has given the Zionist nation the green light for a air-borne strike against the Islamic Republic, however Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad has said he sees no threat from either country.

“I assure you that there won’t be any war in the future,” Ahmadinejad said in Malaysia at a summit of developing Muslim nations. “First Israel has to fly over Jordan and then Iraq. To do this their F-16s need to be re-fueled by US tankers. Both of these moves require international assistance and let me tell you now. they bomb us and the price of gas goes to $20 a gallon. Not because of us, but because of Wall Street speculators. And you really can’t blame them, when the stock market tanks the money has to go somewhere.”

Pentagon sources had no comment on these unverified statements by the Iranian president, although the White House was quick to say that they are still exploring all options to avoid peace.

Ahmaddinejad also said he was backing off earlier promises to destroy Israel. “Call it flip-flopping, but Israel is a complex country. It was founded on fraud and it can come undone without any help from us other than financing Hezbollah. That’s as much flip-flopping as I can do in one day, but I’m learning from America. Say one thing, do the other.”

As Winston Churchill said, “It’s better to ‘jaw jaw’ than ‘war war’.”

GW Bush was unable to be reached in Japan. He was puking out his guts from raw sushi.

It runs in the family.

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