Detriot Disses Thailand

In BOWLING FOR COLUMBINE the director Michael Moore compares Detroit’s perchance for murder with Windsor, its Canadian counterpart across the river. The Motor City’s murder annual rate runs into the hundreds, while the mayor of Windsor couldn’t place the last violent demise for several seconds and then said, “Yes, it was two guys from Detroit. They got into an argument and one of them got shot.”


Now none of that has anything to do with Thailand, except I’ve noticed that the Detroit News regularly depicts Thailand in a less than savory light. The capture of the PonyTail Bandit in a cheap backpacker’s hotel gave them a chance to assassinate the Thai Capitol as a criminal refuge.

Detroit News -In downtown Bangkok, street vendors offer forged American driver’s licenses for about $35. Medical clinics provide plastic surgery for a fraction of U.S. prices. The combination of lax law enforcement, easy hospitality and thousands of backwater towns has attracted a wide roster of fugitives to Thailand and other nations in Southeast Asia.

This report might be true, however Detroit has balls to criticize any city for its failings, but people like to castigate others rather than face the face in the mirror.

“See, they’re bad too.”

Actually Detroit is so bad no one even wants to write about it anymore.

Not since the end of the MC5

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No more MC5.




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