They Go in Threes #2

I worked at St. John of the Heavens Hospital the summer of 1973. Marilynn was working there. She went to Boston College. So did I. She was a candy striper. Orderlies earn five cents an hour than janitors. I call myself a ‘porter’. My first day I learned St. John’s was a waiting room for the dying. The head porter called it ‘Stairway to Heaven’.


He also said, “They go in threes.”

And the patients did go in three.

This belief spread through our ranks and soon we thought everything happened in 3s.

Good luck. Bad Luck. Deaths of famous people.

First Heath Ledger and now Christian Brando. The eldest son of the deceased superstar Marlon Brando entered the hospital with pneumonia. He never came out. His greatest claim to fame was shooting dead his sister’s boyfriend in 1990. He said he was protecting her.

Christian dabbled in acting, and had small roles in Yentl and I Love You, Alice B. Toklas! but never achieved the level of fame as his Academy Award winning actor father.

So who’s going to be #3?

Not me, because I’m not famous.

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