Tag Archives: trump

Guilty Times 34 – Trump

Last week a New York jury found the Orange Messiah guilty, issuing thirty-four convictions stemming from Trump’s decision to not pay the agreed sum of $120000 to buy Stormy Daniels silence. At his July 12th sentencing he will appeal the verdicts. If sentenced as a first offender he will probably get community service. He will […]

International Write-Off Day – 2024

During his 2020 presidential campaign Joe Biden promised to address the massive college debt of millions of graduates and non-graduates paying from 4-8% on the loans. Once elected he proposed a debt relief. THe GOP rejected this measure mostly protesting that not everyone had to go to college and debts had to be paid, except […]

273.5 Pounds Over And Under – Fulton County Jail

I’ve been arrested in Newton, Mass. for a high speed chase in the VW Hatchback, Delaware for hitchhiking, New York City charged with illegally operating an after-hours club, Paris after writing a love poem on the walls of the British Embassey, and Thailand accused of civil disobedience. Each time I was fingerprinted and mugshot by […]

Not on Fifth Avenue

Two weeks before the 2016 Iowa Caucuses Donald Trump regaled the crowd by saying, “I could stand in the middle of Fifth Avenue and shoot somebody, and I wouldn’t lose any voters, OK? It’s, like, incredible.” Since the January 6, 2020 MAGA insurrection and his ouster from the White House the leader of the GOP […]

Guilty As Charged

Two days ago a New York City jury of six men and three women found Donald Trump guilty of sexually abusing E. Jean Carroll as well as publicly defaming her character. He was absolved of rape and assault by the jury. The GOP 2024 presidential candidate was not assigned any jail time, as this was […]