Tag Archives: elk magazine

ONE RPM by Peter Nolan Smith

PUBLISHED IN ELK 2006 February’s blizzards buried New York City with two-foot drifts and people conversed about Global Warming as a distant threat in comparison to Iraq. America was gearing up to war and nothing could stop the process, because the President was acting like a pit bull too stubborn to spit out the bone […]

The Truth About Whores

“Beware of whores that don’t want money. The Hell they don’t. What they mean is that they want more money.” William Burroughs. Several years ago I had occasion to visit the Elk Gallery on Crosby Street. Jocko Weyland was curating a photography exhibition of lurid bloody vistas of wild Italian youth. Punk, guns, and drugs […]

The Truth About Whores

“Beware of whores that don’t want money. The Hell they don’t. What they mean is that they want more money.” William Burroughs. I miss seeing William Burroughs shambling through Grand Central Station in the late afternoon. I miss junkies too. The other night I was at Elk Gallery on Crosby Street. Jocko Weyland was curating […]