Category Archives: revolution

March On DC Plus 50

Written on Aug 26, 2013 August 28, 1963 hundreds of thousands of Americans assembled in Washington DC for the Jobs and Freedom March. The demonstration had a good number of whites, but the marchers were predominantly black and very brave considering how the police treated any congregation large and small of America?s minority with violence. […]

Melee de Paris et Union Square

Last week there was a melee in Union Square When Social media influencer Kai Cenat told his followers that there would be a free giveaway. Thousands of people gathered to be part of the scene. Cenat showed late. Nothing was given away. The crowd got out of control and the steroided NYPD freaked out and […]

ONE RPM by Peter Nolan Smith

PUBLISHED IN ELK 2006 February’s blizzards buried New York City with two-foot drifts and people conversed about Global Warming as a distant threat in comparison to Iraq. America was gearing up to war and nothing could stop the process, because the President was acting like a pit bull too stubborn to spit out the bone […]


IN CONGRESS, JULY 4, 1776 The unanimous Declaration of the 13 United States of America: When in the Course of human events it becomes necessary for one people to dissolve the political bands which have connected them with another and to assume among the powers of the earth, the separate and equal station to which […]

May Day Thailand

Thailand has an amazing galaxy on public holidays, mostly religious or honoring the royal family history. Many farangs are befuddled by this unexplained cosmos, especially since the nation celebrates three different New Year’s Days. Western, Chinese, and Thai. Today is a bank holiday in Thailand, but few Thais or westerners know the origin of this […]