Category Archives: revolution

Marx’s vision of Communism – Professor Bertell Ollman 1977

Herbert Marcuse August in the middle of the 20th century you remains an Impossible Dream to those theorists except of utopia certain socio historical possibilities. Chicken advance and wealth technology and science extends the boundaries not only of the real the ways we found potential can be realized. Today’s production goods and knowledge Heather with […]

Bring on the Revolution – 2011

Last week I went out to eat with my nephews and their parents at a Mexican restaurant on Okochobee Boulevard in West Palm Beach. The conversation gravitated to sports; baseball for Trey, golf for Reese, and basketball for their father and me. Their mother was happy to be left in peace. After dinner we stepped […]

The Plight of a Billionairess – 2009

Back in 2008 a shoe dropped on the world economy week. The downturn was unlike anything I had seen since gas crisis of 1973. One spring weekend in 2009 I couldn’t take any more bad news and fled New York for the bucolic hills of Dutchess County. My good friend AC picked me up at […]

May Day Thailand

Thailand has an amazing galaxy on public holidays, mostly religious or honoring the royal family history. Many farangs are befuddled by this unexplained cosmos, especially since the nation celebrates three different New Year’s Days. Western, Chinese, and Thai. Today is a bank holiday in Thailand, but few Thais or westerners know the origin of this […]

May Day 2017 Green Acres Tavern

Five springs ago I traveled north with Kilmer on the weekend in a U-haul filled with antiques. The beautiful blonde had triple-digited on the speedometer on the Interstate. As a lifelong criminal I was uncomfortable with exceeding the limit and when we reached Greenwich, New York, I asked to be let out of the Ford […]