Category Archives: quotes

When Insults Had Class -2012

These glorious insults are from an era when cleverness with words was still valued, before a great portion of the English language got boiled down to four-letter words. The exchange between Churchill and Lady Astor: She said, “If you were my husband I’d give you poison.” and he said, “If you were my wife, I’d […]

Fools – Hubert Brown – MANCHILD IN PROMISED LAND – 1965

I said a fool was somebody stupid. Dad said I was right, but there was more to it than that. He said it takes a stupid person to keep looking for something that is never there. – Hubert Brown – 1965 As true then as it is now.

Good at Something – 2024

A proficiency in billiards is the sign of a misspent youth. – attributed to Herbert Spencer, English philosopher after losing 50-0 to a pool shark. Back room at the 169 Bar 2024 I can hold my own only because I’m lucky with the eight-ball.

The Beauty of Doing Nothing

Today from a European time zone a friend Serge Kruger, famed Paris bon vivant, mused on Facebook, “Luckily I like to do nothing.” Je suis avec lui 100%. According to Wikipedia the English borrowed ennui from French in the 1660s. Ennui came from an Old French word meaning “displeasure.” Ennui was also related to the […]

I Love My Sleep

As much as I hate Daylight Savings Time, I was happy to sleep another hour this morning. After waking with the dawn I pulled the covers over my head for shelter from the light and arranged the pillows for renewed comfortability. The next forty-five minutes belonged to a blissful slumber. Sleep is the drug. ZZZZZZZZZZZZ. […]