Category Archives: NEW YORK

July 14, 1978 East 60th Street – Journal

I spent the evening with Kurt Rose friend.After coming back from Paris she has kept her distance, although we spent the last week together. Kirk said she just plays with people’s emotions because she has none. “She just wants you for sex.” He might have a point. “I want the same. Sex.” “I want to […]

TRASH FIORUCCI by Peter Nolan Smith

In July of 1977 the windows of Fiorucci on East 60th Street featured the latest flash fashion from Italy. These trendy threads guaranteed immediate entrance into Studio 54 or any exclusive disco in Manhattan. I was a punk. Glitter wasn’t my thing, however a gold lame Elvis suit graced the front window and I wanted […]

Rain on East 77 Street – June 1978

Midnight Outside Rain Thunder. Inside the foyer My finger On the buzzer No reply____ Last winter Lisa left To be a model In Europe No letters Since April___ Her face Never on French Vogue Nor Italian Vogue Nor inside any fashion magazine. Gone___ Inside the hallway No one My finger on the buzzer A last […]

Oysters On The Hudson

Every summer the Lenape traveled with the seaward tide to harvest the oysters from the Muhheakantuck or the River that flows both ways. The middens of discard shells created large mounds and the Dutch named a path Pearl Street for the luminous nacres. PSD the name Manhattan means “place of inebriation. Judy Nylon wrote The […]

Good for the Bad – Milk Bar 1986

Written 2009 Eternally bad behavior has been endemic in bars and nightclubs. Drinking tended to assholize many people, myself included, and drugs exacerbated the dilemma. The problem covers all stations of life from the very rich to the very poor. My years of working security at Hurrah, the Jefferson, Bains-Douches, Milk Bar et al had […]