Author Archives: Peter

Open City declared Peter Nolan Smith an underground punk legend of the 1970s East Village. The New England native spent many years as a nightclub doorman in New York, Paris, London, and Hamburg. The constant traveler has lived for long periods of time in Europe and the Far East. After a forced retirement from the Schmatta trade in Thailand, Peter Nolan Smith returned to New York to work in the international diamond trade. At summer’s end he resumed the life of a writer. The world’s leading leisureologist is currently based in Sri Racha, Thailand, Fort Greene, Brooklyn, and Luxembourg City. He has no address.

Childcity, Aprilcity – Gregory Corso

Baby City, April City, angel spirits hiding in the gates, poets, parasites in their hair, beautiful Baudelaire, Artaud, Rimbaud, Apollinaire, contemplate the night city – Whistleblowers and goalkeepers, Penalty of Montparnasse, mortal Notre Dame, contemplate the night circle, the inherited dome, Hugo and Zola buried together, harleccino’s death trap, the Seine breeds filthy sludge, The […]

Gun freedom stems from the need to repress the freedom of the others. – James Steele – unrepentant counterfeiter

Newspapers Versus TVs and Cellphones

TV and cellphones will never replace a newspaper. You can’t swat a fly with a newspaper. – Pascha Ray – Traveler

It’s Da Shoes

As a doorman in New York, London, Paris, Hamburg, le Sud de France, and Beverly Hills from the 1970s I to the 1990s the bosses always asked about my criteria for admission. Many other doormen said, “Shoes.” Me, it was a look. A look like you wanted a good time without any trouble, although I […]

Pawh Den Always

Monsoons late. Months after Songkran. Buffalo wander the rice paddies. Looking for their old friend. Den Khongbua Grandfather gone. Kwai remember him. Den the only one Who knew their names. Den Gone But not from memory Kwai. Not gone forever. Not from our memories too. I see you soon, grandfather Den But not today.