Tag Archives: suicide

Dash Snow RIP

Dash Snow a young New York artist passed away thanks at a Hotel in Lower Manhattan. He joins the ranks of Jean-Michel Basquiat, Jimi Hendrix, and thousands other lesser known heroin users who miscalculated that last shot. Addicts throughout New York sought out the fatal brand for its strength. They would be smarter in this […]

Murder or Suicide / Pattaya Police Hard at Work

Pattaya police are investigating a farang’s mysterious death. Officers answering the call discovered a man on his side. A knife wound in his neck. Both the house and corpse have been burnt. Police consider this a 1-2-3 case of farang suicide, since farangs like to commit suicide in Thailand, although this wasn’ the usual jump […]

One Giant Step for Mankind in Pattaya Park

As previous reported Thais and farangs have not been feeling as happy as in 2006. Whatever the reasons a Swiss national decided to step into space off the 56th Floor of Pattaya Park Beach Resort. He was not a base jumper. His impact in the parking lot did not add to the general malaise as he missed […]