Tag Archives: red shirts

Bangkok Burning

I love Bangkok. Soi Duplei and the Malaysia Hotel. The klong ferries. Sunset drinks at the Oriental Hotel. Cold beer at a go-go bar in Nana Plaza with the Old Roue. Street food. Smiles. Chaos. The city is a no-go zone thanks to the Army’s efforts to evict the red shirts from their barricades. Their […]

A Shot in the Dark

Maj-Gen’Seh Daeng’ had boasted to the media that his ‘red-shirts were willing to die for the Thaksin cause of overthrowing the elite classes of Thailand. An unknown sniper proved Major-General Khattiya Sawasdipol was a man of his word with either a bullet to the chest or head. The protesters have sworn to revenge their renegade […]

The Dead Tell the Truth

I’ve never fired a gun in anger. My violence takes form in fists and bats. Living in Thailand was a lesson in patience. For all their smiles the Thais are seething with a murderous streak awaiting the right opportunity to cut close and this last week during a confrontation with red-shirt protesters, an exchange of […]

Red Rhum Rally

Tens of thousands of Thaksin’s red-shirt supporters have descended on Bangkok in an effort to overthrow the present government of Prime Minister Abhisit. The numbers fall far short of the million predicted by the UDD. Funds are short for the Thaksinites. The Thai Supreme Court seized a billion dollars last month. According the reports the […]

Revolution So What

When I first came out to the Orient, my mother would call to ask if I were involved in certain overthrows of the government. In her head she couldn’t think why else any American would leave the Land of the Free, unless your absence was required to overthrow an enemy of America. She was wrong. […]