Tag Archives: nasa

Earthlings Go Home

Walt Disney Pictures lost about $160 millions on JOHN CARTER OF MARS, despite worldwide ticket sales of almost $300,000,000. Mediocre reviews of the sci-fi adaptation of a Edgar Rice Burroughs’ novel in tough economic times doomed the movie at the box office. BBC film critic Mark Kermode stated, “The story telling is incomprehensible, the characterisation […]

Trash in Space

My friend Eddie Mickie weighed more than 300 pounds. He was the only fat person in Bethpage. Everyone else was thin. The year was 1971. Eddie was so heavy that his weight bend the frame of his Harley. Obsessed by space Eddie lost a third of his mass so he could take a glider flight. […]

NASA Pai Ban

President Eisenhower created NASA in 1958 with the help of Nazi scientist Werner Braun. The Free World had to be defended by Free Space. Missiles, rockets, satellites shuttles soared into orbit with the aim of exploring the heavens. Sadly funds to NASA have been cut dramatically in the 21st Century, as the GOP and America […]

Golden Showers in Space

Somehow Shirley Bassey the singer of GOLDFINGER earned the reputation for loving golden showers. Supposedly drinking piss was good for her voice. NASA has lent this myth credence by installing a water-recycling system to cleanse the the astronauts’ urine for drinking another time. “We did blind taste tests of the water,” said NASA’s Bob Bagdigian, […]

USA to Zap Space Junk

A lingering image of the Iraq War is the video of a $1,000,000 smart missile taking out a crapped-out truck on a desert bridge. Cost-effective considering that US troops annually shoot over a billion bullets. One billion bullets is just a little trigger happy. This gun-crazyitis comes from the top, as GW Bush now wants […]