Tag Archives: Israel

We Are Those Closest To Us

The other day my four year-old son and I were train-spotting on the bridge over the Siracha-Laem Chabang railway. A long freight train passed beneath us. After the caboose disappeared from sight I spit onto the tracks. Fenway followed my lead and spat a gob of drool into the air. He laughed with glee. Like […]

A Spade Calling A Spade A Spade

At last week’s G-20 meeting in Nice the French President Nicolas Sarkozy was overheard saying to President Obama, “”I cannot bear Netanyahu, he’s a liar.” Obama was quick to defend his position with the Israeli PM. “You’re fed up with him, but I have to deal with him even more often than you.” The off-the-cuff […]

Moses on the March

Moses freed his people from the Egyptian Pharaoh by unleashing Ten Plagues. The last one killed the first-born son of every family without lamb’s blood on their doorway. The murderous god Yahweh was spiteful and had the Jews wandering in the desert for 40 years until they reached the Promised Land. Their path to Canaan […]

Zionist Welfare State

Each year Israel and Egypt are given nearly $3 billion by the USA. No one has had the balls to criticize these boons to two of the world’s most oppressive states, however newly elected Kentucky congressman Rand Paul has exhibited the chutzpah to suggest the USA cut aid to Israel. Supporters of the Zionist nation […]

4Q By peter nolan smith

Coming back to America was a shock after a long absence in Asia. I was thin in comparison to the tubby NYU students waddling down St. Mark’s Place. They all had food in their mouth. My lower jaw hung slack in shock. This expression of disgust was bound to attract the wrong attention and a […]