Tag Archives: fuck the rich

Uncool Punk

During the late-70s I often visited the Metropolitan Museum in New York. The suggested admission was $2. As a punk from CBGBs I gave nothing. That paintings on the walls belonged to rich people and the antiquities had been stolen from around the world. My favorite paintings were el Greco’s VIEW OF TOLEDO and Thomas […]

Billionaire BackLash

Thousands of demonstrators have been protesting against the banks and the rich in New York. The NYPD outstepped the boundaries of ‘to serve and protect’ during the first rally by beating and tear-gassing women. Arrests for civil disobedience climbed into the hundreds, as the anti-rich mob was directed onto the Brooklyn Bridge by white-shirted NYPD […]

No We Won’t

Millions of Americans voted for Barack Obama in hopes that the new president would reverse the policies of GW Bush. No more torture. No more Guantanamo Bay. No wars. A rejection of the Patriot Act. The end of internal wiretapping of US citizens. No more rendition flights. I danced in the streets that November evening. […]