Tag Archives: beermas

Damnation Redux

The ex-model from Paris posted the following on Facebook. Revelation 13:16-18 — “And he causeth all, both small and great, rich and poor, free and bond, to receive a mark in their right hand, or in their foreheads: And that no man might buy or sell, save he that had the mark, or the name […]

Beermas at the White House

The Media had its diapers twisted by the uproar over the arrest of a Harvard professor in his own home by a Cambridge police officer. President Obama entered the fray by calling the incident ‘stupid’. His off-the-cuff comment racketed up the GOP attack dogs at a time when the White House is promoting legislation on […]

Death to Beermas

My friend Miguel had an opening Thursday night at his Orchard Street gallery. Esoteric bread sculptures. I surveyed the works for several minutes and then grabbed a beer. The sky was clear for the first time this month and I stepped outside. New York has been experiencing a very English summer. This evening air was […]

Too Much Beermas

Neil Nepola, my doctor, has advised that I curtail my drinking until Xmas. “You’re getting heavy and I don’t like the readings from your kidneys.” “I only drink a little.” “Yeah, right.” Doctor Nepola knows me since college. “Stop and desist.” I will try, if only to regain my girlish figure.

First Beer of the Day 2:32pm

The Thai word for humid is choom or cheun. In French it’s lourde or heavy. Either way the days in Pattaya have exorcised a sweaty demon from my flesh. This loss of water weight has my neighbors and mia noi remarking that I look a little thinner. Down to 85 kilos and a BMI of […]