Tag Archives: beer

Warm Beer and Bad Food

FROM BANGKOK POST Recently, British Prime Minister Gordon Brown suggested citizens come up with a five-word motto to capture concisely what makes Britain great. He might be having second thoughts after seeing some of the hundreds of suggestions the Times newspaper has received. On the positive side someone suggested: “Britain, a terribly nice place” and […]

First Beer of the Day 2:32pm

The Thai word for humid is choom or cheun. In French it’s lourde or heavy. Either way the days in Pattaya have exorcised a sweaty demon from my flesh. This loss of water weight has my neighbors and mia noi remarking that I look a little thinner. Down to 85 kilos and a BMI of […]

Health Advice For Beer Worshippers

Over the last ten years the Bangkok-Pattaya Hospital on Sukhumvit has expanded east, west, north, and south as well as up into the sky to handle the expanding community of western and Thai retirees making up a greater segment of the resort’s population. One extension had been named the Gra-dai teung sawan or Stairway to […]