Category Archives: PARIS

Fifi The Rasta

Back in the 1980s I loved Paris in the summertime, especially during ‘le Grand Depart’, France’s traditional month-long vacation slot. A large percentage of Parisian disappeared from the City of Light. The traffic or ‘circulation’ lessened and the skies cleared of diesel fumes. Of course hundreds of thousands of tourists replaced the native population in […]

Bastille Day Beauties

Candida en Corse. Chez Gabby. Karinne de Aix en Provence. Katie 1984. / Mirabelle Le Bad. We’ll always have Paris.

Les Miserables

A year ago at a dinner on the Upper East Side an American art collector mentioned that he had called a hotel in France to rent a room and the desk clerk informed Devlin that the only available room was on the ground floor. “Where is the entrance?” “Next to the desk.” “So your guests […]

Bastille Day 1789

2 July 1789 The Bastille – Paris The Marquis De Sade was in the stone fortress on charges of perversion. In the afternoon a prisoner cried from his window. “Ils tuent les prisonniers.” The guards subdued the inmate, but his words sparked a smoldering rumor and the rumor spread through the poor neighborhood awaiting a […]


The 1980s were thirty years in the past from the 2010s and when I told stories at the 169 Bar, my young listeners suspected that I was lying about jumping off the Quincy Quarries cliffs or nearly making love with Darryl Hannah in Jamaica or watching bears eat garbage at a Maine dump. Sometimes I […]