Category Archives: myth

A State Of Ruin

I am like the Acropolis. In a state of ruins, but you can still see that it must have been great once. I prefer the ruins, especially with Shannon Greer behind the lens.

Caveman Love

There is no proof that Neanderthals or Cromagnons dragged women by their hair to have sex in a cave. No Neolithic paintings support this fallacy. Neanderthals were good to women. But the Rape of the Sabine is a legend based on factual hearsay about the bloody Homo Sapiens jealous about other men lovng women whne […]

Map for Kerouac’s ON THE ROAD

This map from Jack Kerouac’s diary detailed his hitchhiking across the USA in 1947. His itinerary included more stops than the classic hit ROUTE 66 sung originally by Nat King Cole. New York City, Chicago, Davenport Des Moines, North Platte, Cheyenne, Denver, Laramie, Salt Lake, Reno, San Francisco, Madera, Fresno, Selma, Los Angeles, Prescott, Albuquerque, […]

Go Neanderthals Go

The Neanderthal dominated Europe and Asia for almost a half-million years. This species of Man vanished from the Earth 24,000 years ago. Anthropologists once blamed the fall of the Neanderthals on their stupidity, while recent studies have revealed that the ancient men had large brains than their homo sapiens descendants and were stronger and taller […]

The Legacy Of Europa

The night skies over Italy in 1610 were unsullied by the light overdose of the 21st Century. Galileo Galilei pointed a 20X telescope into the stars, while standing atop of rooftop at the University of Padua. The astronomer spotted a single moon orbiting Jupiter, but the next evening he divined that they were two not […]