Category Archives: music

Anarchy in the UK – CBGBs

In November 1976 the Sex Pistols released ANARCHY IN THE UK on the UK. The revolutionary punk song was immediately banned by the BBC. The British authorities were worried about the sensibility of the royalists. Within the week ANARCHY IN THE UK was # 1 on the charts without getting any airplay. Describing the social […]

Tubas In Space

I always thought that there would be no tubas in Space. Too big, too heavy, use too much oxygen, but on a Star Trek episode some crew member played one in the holo deck. I googled ‘tuba star trek’ and discovered the Star Trek Voyager theme featured a tuna. Google search also revealed that no […]

Perfection 1968

From1/10/2010 I was 16 in 1968. My favorite band was the Rolling Stones. The year they released BEGGARS BANQUET. Rolling Stones – No expectations / You can’t always get what you want Live. “I saw her at the reception. A glass of wine in her hand. I knew she was going to meet her connection.” […]

The Rolling Stones – Sympathy For The Devil

Few better songs from the Rolling Stones SYMPATHY FOR THE DEVIL

Super Brat Charlie XCX

Charlie XCX Contemp glam pop selling the illusion of attainable wealth and fame to the underclass dreaming to be special. Charlie XCX sings the songs for the forgotten masses wanting a message of we are us. Her hook in YOU’RE ONLY ONE is YOU”RE ONLY ONE and she sings this lyric seventy-three times. In 3:24. […]