Category Archives: Movies / TV

Sept 6, 1994 – Maine – Journal Entry

I’ve spent the week with Willem, his wife Liz, his son Jack, and several of the Wooster Group up on Thompson Lake, Maine. Willem was extremely gracious and hospitable as was Liz, who previously had regarded me as an intrusion into their life. Both of us traveled through the yera. He to films and me […]

Sleeping Tiger

British actress Patricia Laffan starred as Nero’s wife Poppaea. The director required her to sit with a leopard during a lavish dinner sequence. Big cats are notorious fickle with their favor, but she shows no sign of fear. Neither did I at Nong Nooch Gardens with a junkie tiger. He didn’t even bother to snarl […]

Faster Than Hell

Back in 1984 a Paris friend bought a fiendishly fast KZ 1100 cc bike. One evening we were sitting at le Savanne, an African transvestite after-hour bar in Les Halles, Francois dangled the keys in front of my face, “How you like to take the monster for a ride?” I had a Vespa. Its top […]

The Wasteland of TV

TS Eliot wrote his groundbreaking elegy to commemorate the slaughter of a generation in WWI. April is the cruelest month, breeding Lilacs out of the dead land, mixing Memory and desire, stirring Dull roots with spring rain. The poet’s first four lines have symbolized the boredom of waiting for summer to millions, but the wasteland […]

FINALLY by Peter Nolan Smith

All through the summer of 2014 I had been jokingly asking couples about the chances of us having a menage-a-trois with me. The response varied from disgust to a laughing rejection. I spared no one my query and no one accepted the challenge. The ludicrous proposition was strictly a joke, but last weekend I attended […]