Category Archives: Magic

TOUCH OF EVIL Opening Scene

According to Wikipedia many critics considered Orson Welles’ three-minute, twenty-second tracking shot in TOUCH OF EVIL as one of the greatest shots in cinematic history, especially considering that it’s the opening scene. Here’s the synopsis. On the U.S.-Mexico border, a man plants a time bomb in a car. A man and woman enter the vehicle […]

If Only I Could

If only I could go back in time, it wouldn’t be to see Rome at its might or right all my wrongs. My destination would be wherever Charlotte Rampling was in this photo. Heaven or hell wouldn’t matter to me. She was an angel.

Xin Nian Kuai Le or 新年快乐 2015

Chinese New Year comes later in the Julian Calendar, but there’s nothing wrong with saying Xin Nian Kuai Le 新年快乐 early. Happy New Year. 2015. The 2+ 0 + 1 + 5 = 8 and the number eight in Chinese Pinyin is considered as good luck, since the syllables echo those of the word Pinyan-ba […]

SEASON OF THE WITCH / Julie Driscoll and Trinity

THE MAGUS by John Fowles

Everyone is planning summer holidays. People ask me where to go, since I have been many places. Camille from the diamond exchange was wavering between Morocco and Turkey. I had been to neither, but heard Morocco was a hassle and Istanbul was a gem on the Bosphorus. “Thanks for the info.” Camilli was the queen […]