Monthly Archives: September 2014

French Ego Solution

How does a frenchman commit suicide? He holds a gun six inches over his head and kills his superiority complex.

How We Go

Here’s a list of death in Thailand spanning 2005-2008 complied by the US State Dept. THAILAND Date of Death Place of Death Cause of Death 11-Jul-05 BANG LAMUNG Suicide 24-Jul-05 UBON RATCHATHANI Veh. Accident-Motorcycle 8-Aug-05 CHIANG MAI Drug-related 23-Sep-05 LOPBURI Veh. Accident-Auto 23-Sep-05 LOPBURI Veh. Accident-Auto 3-Oct-05 CHIANG MAI Drug-Related 4-Oct-05 SRIRACHA, Veh. Accident-Motorcycle 19-Oct-05 […]

Leaving Pattaya The Hard Way

The NY Times regularly published a list of why Americans die. The leading causes of fatality come as no surprise; heart disease, cancer, stroke, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, diabetes and Alzheimer’s disease, in that order. Almost all of them are related to either environment, bad food, obesity, or a cocktail of the three. You are […]

Falling in Thailand

Falling from a balcony is a sad tradition for farangs in Thailand. The usual causes are suicide, drunkenness, or shoddy construction. Usually the latter is avoided by blaming the cause of death on the first two to avoid any legal repercussions for the building owners. A spate of falls this week took the lives of […]

Sorry About the Slavery Thing

Labor Day has come and gone. Schools are open and vacations are over. The NFL football season begins on the weekend and a vast number of American males will turn their attention to the business of overgrown men trying to kill each other without any protest against the violence from the TV viewers. I expect […]