Tag Archives: racism

Journal Entry – January 4, 1978

I’ve slept with Fran several times this week. She wants to nail down my freedom. I don’t know why. Last night at One-Fifth Bert, Cecile, and I discussed romance. Bert is a homosexual portrait painter with a receding hairline and Cecilean older woman with a very avant-grade view of innocence. She loves make-up and dressing […]

Loss Of America

On September 13, 1926 30,000 white-robed KKK members marched down Pennsylvania Avenue. The second wave of the Klan had been nourished by Woodrow Wilson, an adamant racist from pre-bellum Georgia. No police barred their progress through the predominantly black city. Warren Harding had been poisoned by Klaven assassins to prevent his resistance to the Klan, […]

The Selma Of The North

I grew up in the 1960s on the South Shore of Boston. Only two African-Americans lived in my hometown. The Red Sox star pitcher Luis Tiant and the esteemed US Senator Edward Brooke. My neighborhood friends opened their hearts to reveal the incurable hatred in their souls. I never spoke to them again without saying […]

Cops In The Good Old Days

Nightclub raconteur Steve Lewis wrote on Blackbook.com that the NYPD harassment of the nightclub GREENHOUSE appeared to be blatant racism. http://www.blackbookmag.com/racism-core-greenhouse-harassment/ That certainly seems to be the case. The police hate nightclubs, because they don’t get payoffs like the ‘good ole days’ unless they put pressure on the joint and then the ‘bagman’ comes to […]

AX IN HAND by Peter Nolan Smith

My mother had spent her honeymoon on Bermuda. Every winter my parents had vacationed in the Caribbean and each July my father rented a Harwichport cottage for a week. My mother loved the ocean. On summer weekends they loaded his six children into the Ford Station wagon for a drive to the beach. Massachusetts had […]