Monthly Archives: November 2013

Oink Oink Sniffer Snout

Back in the 80s I exited Paris at Charles De Gaulle Aeroport. A French SWAT team had cordoned off a corridor. An unclaimed bag lay against the wall. After a minute a small pig trotted over to the bag and sniffed at the potential ‘bombe’ with its pink little snout. The pig shook its head […]

A Man’s Best Friend

Three years ago my father passed from this world. He is here with me more than ever. A boy’s best friend. Frank Arthur Smith II.

URGE FOR GOING Joni Mitchell

Men and boys weren’t allowed to like Joni Mitchell during the 60s and 70s. But that was wrong-headed thinking. Joni wrote great songs and sang them even better. URGE FOR GOING is a killer. I love it to his day

Happy 70 Joni Mitchell

I love Joni. It took me many years to admit that love, but there it is. Happy 70th Birthday, Joni To hear BOTH SIDES NOW and THE CIRCLE GAME please go to the following URL

Murmansk to St. Petersburg

Russian authorities have transferred Frank Hewetson and his twenty-nine Greenpeace activists from Murmansk to a St. Peterburg prison. This might seem like good news, however families and friends have yet to be in contact with the prisoners and the charge of environmental hooliganism carries a sentence of seven years. This charge was leveled against the […]