Monthly Archives: November 2012

The Sky Is Green

Scott and his girlfriend were coming over to New York from London to celebrate his birthday at the Who concert at the new Barclay Center in Brooklyn, which is only a few blocks from the Fort Greene Observatory. I half-expected to be invited along with the glamorous couple, except upon the day of their arrival […]

The Freedom of No Speech

Moses led his people out of Egypt without a map. The distance from the Nile to Palestine was a ten day walk, yet the prophet wandered through the eastern deserts for forty years. Like all men he wasn’t willing to admit that he was fucking lost and neither are the Zionists of the occupied territories […]

The Unfreedom of Speech

Freedom of Speech is protected by the 1st Amendment of the US Constitution. “Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a […]

Heaven or Hell

Two old men are living in Miami Beach. Their hotel is undergoing renovations. The entire neighborhood has been transformed by young people. Izzy and Moishe sit on the terrace of the Breezemore Hotel and watch the parade of revelers. They are feeling their age and Izzy says, “You know Moishe, we’ve had a good life, […]

Eyefilled In Gaza

The IDF shock and awe display in Gaza in retaliation for the Hamas missile attacks. “We recommend Hamas leaders to keep their heads down the next couple of days.” These words from an IDF spokesman was a red flag to Hamas. But the business of the military is war. Never peace.