In the early 1960s Mitt Romney served as the jock strap manager for the Cranbrook Prep ice hockey team and ran cross country as a senior without finishing in the top five to score. In 1966 his studies at Stanford were postponed for the traditional Mormon mission to pagan France. LDS strictures banning drinking and smoking were not big sellers to the French and he was roughed up by two rubgy players, who were harassing female Mormon missionaries. Transferring to Brigham Young University young Mitt once more restrained himself from any participation in sports, but graduated with honors in English.

I googled ‘mitt romney throwing a baseball’ without finding any images of the GOP candidate even holding a baseball, but that’s not to say that ex-governor Romney doesn’t like sports.

His wife has a horse entered in the Olympics dressage competition.

The transport and keep of their steed is paid by the US Olympic Committee.

Mitt was the prime mover behind the 2002 Winter Games in Utah.

People in high places are good at taking care of their own.

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