Fat Is The New Thin

The contagion of obesity has struck over 35% of Americans and the FDA has taken drastic steps to help the obese reduce weight by approving Belviq by Arena Pharmaceutical, whose clinical tests show that patients can lose up to 5% of the body mass with the negative threat of tumors along with the side effects of depression, migraine and memory lapses without any real knowledge of the damage to the heart.

5% mean that 350 pound behemoth will shed about 16 pounds to a slimmer 334.

Much ado about nothing.

America has become fat for a number of reasons; greed for food to prove your worth, advertisement promoting eating shit, processed food from corporations, high-fructose corn syrup with growth hormones, cars instead of feet, TV, the suburbs, soda, chips, fast food, no exercise, video games, and lastly the infectious aspect of obesity.

If we’re thinner than the people surrounding us, then we think that we can eat what we want, because we’ll never be as fat as them.

Wrong, you fucking brain-dead zombie!

Obesity is a disease caused by that kind of thinking.

You are what you eat.

Check out the food in the refrigerator.

Read the labels, which isn’t easy in Thailand.

If the label contains high-fructose corn syrup chuck it in the bin.

All processed foods are low in nutrients requiring massive amounts to sustain life.

Toss them in the trash.

Stop watching TV and surf the internet for porno.

At least masturbation is exercise, you mashed potato fatso.

Sorry, but seeing the FDA approve a drug to reduce weight by 5% is ridiculous.

A beer belly doesn’t get there in a day and it doesn’t go away in one either.

There is no miracle cure.

Only the truth of ‘you are what you eat’.

Remember the first to go in the zombie apocalypse are the slow movers.

ps I’m overweight by 15-20 pounds. I’m on the brink of almost fat, but two months in Thailand will sweat off a good 10 pounds, so that I can return to the States almost trim in the eyes of the obese.

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