Pauvre Con

America loves a good sex scandal. Bill Clinton and Monica Lewinsky. Tiger Woods and his many gold companions. GW Bush and his alleged rape of a Texas woman and the accusation of a former stripper. The first shot herself and the latter vanished into the aether. America missed those scandals, since the Press gave GW a pass for any sins following 9/11. Any mention of sex can end a political career, however European leaders have been safe from any accusations of impropriety. Sex is not a sin in the Old World.

The Italian PM has paid for under-aged girls. He remains in power. British leader John Profumo was ousted not for having sex with the call girl Christine Keeler, but leaking secrets to her Russian spy lover. The present French president dumped his wife to marry a younger movie actress after his wife left him for another man. They do things different on the Continent.

Back in 1988 I was dating a movie star in Paris. The blonde beauty was a welcome addition to any public function. One evening we attended a presidential dinner. Her young cousin was our invitee. 18 and a precocious nymphette. Security saw us to our table and the assembled guests rose to their feet at the entrance of President Mitterand. The Socialist leader shook hands with friends and political associates on his way to the podium. The last minister to have ordered the police to fire upon workers lifted his head and his eyes on the young girl to my right. Mitterand shrugged off his minders and beelined across the room to introduce himself to our guest.

“Madamoiselle, je suis votre president.”

There was no confusing what he had in mind and my girlfriend protectively shielded her protege from the old lecher’s gropes. The crowd smiled with admiration. Their president was still a man. France is so France.

America is an ocean away from that country. The religious right tolerate no deviation from the path of sex for procreation. They crucified President Clinton for a mere blow-job. The rich in their ranks escape scandal through payments to the victims. The powerful play by a different set on rules than those imposed on the masses, however no one likes the French; rich or powerful.

This week the head of the IMF or the International Monetary Fund was arrested at JFK for raping a NYC hotel maid. The NYPD are holding DSK as he is known in France until arraignment on Monday. The Euro dropped against the Dollar, since the IMF is considering another bailout for the besieged economies of Portugal and Greece.

“I can’t believe his accusation against my husband.” The wife of the accused rapist declared from Paris. The French in general regard the charges with suspicion. The present president of France is renown for his dirty politics. DSK also has a history of forcing himself on women. His supporters are as disbelieving as his wife and claim this arrest is an act of political assassination. His guilt in the court of the American media is not helped by his Socialist background. Fox News is reporting allegations as fact. Facing a possible 15 year sentence DSK is in big trouble and all for the sake of his cock.

Still the French are running 80-20 that this scandal was a set-up, but while adultery is a mere sin, rape is a felony. The first forgivable, the second not so.

There is no first-class in the Tombs just as in the United States a person is innocent until proven guilty.

No hotel this time.

If DSK is lucky, Rikers will put him in a special holding cell.

If not general population.
Pauvre con.

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