Assholes on Holiday surveyed thousands of European tourists to discover that the British holiday-maker is more devoted to drink than any other nationality. Almost two-thirds consume more alcohol away from home. Italians won the gold for smoking and the French championed care-free tanning habits and scored the most for traveling to foreign destination to receive plastic surgery. The number of tourists injured and killed by motorcycles in Thailand is an unknown number. I once came around a corner on Koh Samui. Two drunken Brits were weaving lane to lane up a hill. A big joke. An oncoming Thai took the turn at speed. He avoided a head-on crash by driving into the scenery. The boozed Brits thought it all so very ha-ha. I helped the Thai out of the jungle. He was lucky to be alive.

The Brits.

A danger to themselves and others.

And that’s why we like them.

Mad Dogs and Englishmen in the sun.

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