Another Farang Bites the Dust

Years ago I was stranded in Penang. My Italian girlfriend took off with my airline ticket. She called to say it was a mistake, but never posted the ticket. This was before ATMs and cellphones. Bank transfers took several weeks. Luckily my father said that he would take care of the matter. He was is and will be my best friend. I waited at the Swiss Hotel on Chulia Street. It was cheap and cheerful. during the day I wandered through Penang and one day stumbled out of the mid-day heat into the foreign cemetery. The gravestones dated back into the 19th Century. The causes of death were clearly etched in big letters. Malaria. Typhus. The Flux. Westerners died in droves.

The same is true today.

More farangs die in Thailand than any other country only the causes of death are not disease. Most exit this world thanks to misadventure and last week ‘that farang speaks 2 much’ reported on the unusual death of a Pattaya nightclub owner. The police recorded his demise due to a bread roll a la Mama Cass of the Mamas and Papas.

Most of his friends suspected the cause of death at the Lido Hotel Guesthouse was something more nefarious. The Bangkok coroner entered the cause of death as the deadly bread. fingers were pointed at his common-law wife. In most cases the person with the most to gain from the murder. The police like to keep things simple and stupid.

“Dead men tell no lies.”

Especially with bread in their mouths.

For more

To live or die in Pattaya.

I like to see the dawn. Several decades more of them too.

So sleep with an eye open and keep that door locked from the inside.

The life you save might be your own.

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