
999 is the emergency telephone number in the UK. Flipped upside down it’s 666. The number of Satan. It was also today’s date. One crazed preacher hijacked a flight out of Cancun, claiming it was the end of the world. Bible-thumpers around the USA were preaching about the coming of the Anti-Christ. Some going as far as saying that their Saviour had actually spoken the words Barack Obama in Aramaic when warning future generations about the Great Deceiver walking the Earth.

Personally I thought Dick Cheney was closer to the Devil, but one man’s Devil is another man’s Not a Devil.

And in the end 9/9/09 has a zero in it.

It’s just another day on the Planet Earth and Barack Obama is just a man.

Of course at 9 seconds and 9 minutes past 9 o’clock on September 9, lucky number 9 will line up the likes of which hasn’t been seen for 1,000 years, and won’t be seen again for another 1,000 years. The official time and date will be 09:09:09 09/09/09.

Like Clint Eastwood said in DIRTY HARRY, “Do you feel lucky, punk?”

And we know that answer.

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