Monthly Archives: August 2009

Viva Mexico

The War on Drugs suffered a major defeat this week as Mexico decriminalized the possession of pot, cocaine, speed, and smack. Federal prosecutors raised the white flag on their campaign against small-time users. The national police are famed for their corruption and their search policy was a thin cover for seeking out bribes. Of the […]

Sorry, But Oh Yeah

Sadly I’m faithful to my wives.

Debate with the Dining Room Table

The GOP and Fox News has assaulted President Obama’s proposed reform of health care in America. They have successfully rallied their supporters with tales of death camps and communism. Democratic and Republican congresspeople have been verbally assaulted by devotees to free-market medicine. These elected representative for the most part have resembled deer in the headlight, […]

Sirens of Soi 6 # 2

The sky grew dark over Pattaya Bay. The monsoon wind swirled up Soi 6 like a snake. Its force knocked over chairs and tables. Farangs ran for cover. Most of the girls retreated into the bars. The strong odor of ozone promised that the rain would fall soon and fall hard. One bar girl stood […]

Communist Death Camps for the Wrinklies

The health car debate has been kidnapped by the GOP fear-mongers. Rumors of death clinics and communism have ignited widespread paranoia. People are scared that our system will become like Canada, the UK or even worse France. One senator claimed that if the famed astro-physicist Stephen Hawking had been treated in England that he would […]