What’s Wrong with Kids in PA Today

The First Admendment was written into the American Constitution to protect the Freedom of Speech and for decades libertarians have defended pornography as the front line of that liberty. The GOP under GW Bush had scheduled a massive attack on that lightning rod. 9/11 short-circuited that attack, as the Justice Department rolled back habeus corpus to fight the ‘war on terror’, however the right never forgot their old nemesis and various political prosecutors around the country are testing the nation’s moral barometer by prosecuting teenagers for ‘sexting’ sexual images of their friends and themselves to each other. The latest case has the American Civil Liberties Union standing up for three teenage girls charged with felony child porn violations for digital photos of themselves.

While I don’t think it’s wise for these children to be revealing their nakedness to the masses, the actual content sounds tame as a Gap ad for swimming suits, although one bared her breasts.

Oh no, what would they think of Blind Faith’s album from 1970 or Sally Mann photos or the Catholic Church molesting altar boys?

The prosecutor is running for re-election this fall. He met with the children’s parents and offered to drop the charges if the girls go through six months probation and regualr drug testing. The offer stood for 48 hours and the ACLU told him to go fuck himself, although not in that language. The AG has possession of the photos and will not give them to the defenders on the grounds that it would be trafficking in child porno.

“Just depicting nudity could be considered a sex act.”

And possession is not a crime?

Naked at birth. Naked in life. Naked into the cosmos.

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