‘FORE’ for Peace

John McCain has excoriated Barack Obama on the Illinois senator’s proposals to hold meetings with our ‘enemies’ without preconditions. This intransigence has led America to an all-time low in stature with other nations, as President GF Bush’s White House staff dictated the degrees of hostility to the rest of the world. Blue for the UK. Pink for Canada. Glowing red for Iran. John McCain wants to continue the war in Iraq to Victory or when Hell freezes over.

imagesCAH5M6AM.jpgimagesCAH5M6AM.jpgimagesCAH5M6AM.jpgObama is offering a second way following the advice of Winston Churchill, who once said, “It is better to jaw-jaw than war-war.”

Thai and Cambodian mid-level officials have also decide to heed those words by meeting in Siem Reap to discuss ways to alleviate the tension between the two nations. The rendezvous point is a world-class golf course. 18 holes and a beer or two in the 19th hole sounds better than one Thai and three Cambodian soldiers dead at the ancient Preah Vihear temple.

“We want people on both sides to believe there is no armed conflict.”

And I suppose nothing does that better than a round of golf.

As long as no one is cheating.

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