Monthly Archives: June 2008

Fung Wah Crash in Chinatown

The plane from La Guardia to Boston costs about $250 and the trip takes roughly 3.5 hours with getting to the airport, waiting at the airport, flight, and landing and getting your bags. The Acela train is almost the same price and NYC-Boston will eat up 4 hours. Fung Wah bus out of Chinatown is […]

Make Nice to a Piece of Shit BET ON CRAZY

47th Street is a closed community. Everyone knows each other. If you say something about someone to somebody else, you can be sure whatever you said will be filter through several layers to come out much worse than what you had originally had stated to the first person. Best in most cases to say nothing, […]

Moshpit by Bryan de Boeuf


Religious Right Rears its Head

Abortion, family values, gay rights, and school vouchers are touchstone issues for the usually vocal religious right of America. This fringe coalition of GOP supporters have restrained from entering the 2008 presidential fray mostly because John McCain is not a candidate with whom they feel comfortable, however the Arizona senator is a republican and James […]

Mission Creep

You’ll be surprised at how quickly mission creep oversteps the parameters of your stalking. Jocko Weyland responded to this emailed sentence about his stalking project in Beijing. This is a really weird sentence, but I think I know what it means. I emailed back I don’t believe in torture