Religious Right Rears its Head

Abortion, family values, gay rights, and school vouchers are touchstone issues for the usually vocal religious right of America. This fringe coalition of GOP supporters have restrained from entering the 2008 presidential fray mostly because John McCain is not a candidate with whom they feel comfortable, however the Arizona senator is a republican and James Dobson from Focus on the Family has finally risen from the depths of despair to lambaste Barack Obama for distorting the Bible and pushing a ‘fruitcake interpretation of the Constitution’.

Doesn’t ‘fruitcake’ mean queer?

The conservative’s awakening can be accredited to the democratic candidate’s comment about what part of the Bible are Americans supposed to teach. “James Dobson’s or Al Sharpton’s?”

Hearing this comparison to Reverend Al, Mr. Dobson decided to take umbrage to Obama’s reference to Leviticus, which condones slavery and condemns shellfish as well as that Jesus’ Sermon on the Mount, “a passage that is so radical that it’s doubtful that our own Defense Department would survive its application. Folks haven’t been reading their Bibles.”

Like I said. I never read the Bible and I’m glad there are none in Thai hotels, but you know Dobson has the Old and New Testaments etched into his skull like a crip sheet inked on his wrist, so he can back up saying, “Obama is dragging biblical understanding through the gutter.”

Bible thumpers might be outrage by the defiling of the blessed Bible, but Dobson has vowed not to vote in this election, since he considers McCain just as bad as Obama and the GOP can say good-bye to the White House unless Bush manufactures a reason to serve a 3rd term.

Via sin dios. For a related article click on this URL

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