Thailand #1 Tourist Destination for Swedes

For the 6th year in a row Thailand has been awarded the WORLD’S BEST TOURIST COUNTRY by a Swedish Travel group. Unbelievably Thai Airways has been ranked the second best airline after Singapore Airlines.

The other top destinations are listed below.

Thailand for the beaches, food, cheap hotels, beer, and go-go bars.
Australia for the beaches, beer, and only having white people.
USA for the fat people at Disneyworld
South Africa for the lions eating fat Americans at the safari parks
Italy for the coliseum and the pasta.
China for the Great Wall and seeing all those fat little boys. Good future eating for the lions.
Spain for bullfights and seeing fat people running from the bulls
Dubai for those awful beach resorts
Great Britain for those beer drinkers fighting over football.
Egypt to see the fat people clambering over the Pyramids.

This poll was given to Swedes who really have no reason to stay in their country unless it’s to commit suicide in the sunless winter.


My personal top #10 destinations are;

Thailand for Soi 6 and spicy food and drinking beer in the rice paddies.

India for riding Royal Enfields along the beach in Goa and telling backpackers about Soi 6.

Peru for walking the Incan Trail on coca leaves.

Guatemala for swimming in Lake Atitlan with the Mayans and driving to Todos dos Santos.

Panama for kayaking in the San Blas Archipelego

Paris for drinking wine and eating welsh rarebit at the Cafe de Flore

Egypt for smoking hashish at the pyramids and watching the face of the tourists as they exert themselves to climb the ancient steps in the desert sun.

Maine for lobster and riding a motorcycle through the pines.

Montana for the wildlife and staying at Chico Hot Springs.

Nepal for a hike in the Himalayas. I still have the legs for that stair master hell.

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