Dick Cheney’s Sex Vision Googles

The other day a blogographer caught Dick Cheney with his sunglasses reflecting what seemed to be a naked woman.

Dick Cheney Wyoming conservative with a naked woman?

The power of the blogosphere was never more apparent than when the Vice President’s press flak replied that Cheney had been fly-fishing on the Snake River and the image was simply a distortion of a Rocky Mountain stream, however bloggers were not so satisfied with the answer and thousands of internet viewers attempted to divine the reality of the wraithesque go-go dancer like Christians seeing the face of Jesus in charred toast or a misty window. The most popular results were a naked girl suntanning, alien overlord, not Dick Cheney, and the picture had been photoshopped.

Aliens visitors to Wyoming traditionally prefer to mutilate livestock, the nose is Cheney’s beak, and it might be photoshopped, for I’ve been to the Snake river in Idaho this time of year and no naked girl would survive more than three seconds in the cie-chilled stream, so I’m willingly to accept the VP’s spokesperson grumpy reply to the Press, plus Dick Cheney would have to pay a lot more than Eliot Spitzer’s $4300 to gain the company of a lithe discreet courtesan. After all he is next in line to the president.


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