Ka-Toeys want to be Miss

This Monday millions of Thais will be voting on a referendum to determine the nation’s next government. Most Thais will welcome a new government to replace the present uncertainty and none more so than the Land of Smiles’ 200,000 ka-toeys.


Once the government is in place a NLA member plans to place a bill changing the title of lady-boys or ka-toeys from Mister or mor-ror to Miss or naang sao. Celebrated ka-toeys such as Yollada, Miss Alcazar 2005 and boxer Parinya “Nong Tum” Kiartbussaba are lending their support to this campaign to protect their rights to marriage, property, and legal redress.

“Getting a job as Mister is hard when you’re wearing a dress.” One advocate stated from experience. “We’re tired of being sao praphet song.”

Ladies of the second category are more widely accepted in Thailand than most countries due to an ancient creation story about the first man and woman having three children; boy, girl, and one of an undetermined sex ie ka-toey. Lady boys are featured on TV and honored yearly for their beauty, however many men pejoratively refer to them as kathoey-saloey or fairies.

Never to their face, because ka-toeys are tough. I’ve seen bikers get KOed by a gender-bender in high heels. One punch. The new Thai government also has to recognize their power, for while ka-toeys are not as populous as rice farmers, 200,000 could turn an election with the flick of a wrist.

Persoanlly I’ve never called a ka-toey ‘mister’, partially becauue I’m scared of a high heel to the head, but also since nothing makes you feel older than being called mister especially if you walk like a woman and talk like a man.

L-O-L-A Lola – Kinks.

Miss Lola to you.

I wish them luck, although somehow I get the feeling that this movement is akin to the Irish gay communities of Boston and New York demanding to march in the St. Patrick’s Day Parade. Hell, I don’t want to have anything to that celebration other than drink beer and not green beer either, but everyone wants to be treated the same way then let ’em have a party.

St. Patrick’s Day Parade for Thai ka-Toeys.

The East Village has a Ka-Toey bar.

Lucky Chang. He had been the busboy and put his money together to buy the bar from the coked out heiress owner. Soon as it changed hands he stuck in 20 lady-boys serving food. Take off to success.

“If you can make it here, you can make it anywhere.”



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