Nothing Sacred – Vandals down Saugus Dinosaur

For over fifty years motorists have been greeted to the traffic snarl north of the Tobin Bridge by an orange fiberglass T-Rex at the Saugus Mini-Golf. I had asked my father to stop for a quick 18-holes every time we passed the prehistoric icon on the way back from Maine.


“Next time.”

I told myself the same thing since I got my driver’s license.

This last week vandals smashed the proud 12-foot dinosaur off its pedestal at Double Trouble Hole #6.


Now I had been destructive as a teenager. Smashing over 3000 windows at the ABM missile base on Chickatawbut Hill. No bragging. it was the police count.

Never did I mess with anything precious.

Unless you count knocking over a statue of St. Paul and the Our Lady of the Hill in East Boston.

Those were more sacrilege than vandalism.

But I knew the difference. Not like kids today. Nothing is sacred and you’re screwed should you tell them something is sacred. Eyes rolled to the heaven, but some things they can touch.

Like the other Saugus landmark was Adventure Carhop.

“Hi there, this is Arnie Ginsberg telling you that Adventure Car Hop presents for the first time anywhere the GINSBURGER!  That’s right, the Ginsburger is now being served at Adventure Car Hop.  I designed it, I planned it, I tested it, but you’re going to eat it.  And what a delicious mouthful it is.  And adventure Car Hop is serving the Ginsburger on a record which you get to keep for your very own.  If you say Woo-Woo Ginsberg with your order, you get another Ginsburger free of charge.  So how can you miss, stop by the Adventure Car Hop, Route One in Saugus!”

“Next time.” My father hated the guardian of the NIGHT TRAIN SHOW as much as the THREE STOOGES.

Arnie wasn’t perfect. He called LOUIE LOUIE the worst song of the week. Made it famous too. Same as the dinosaur who will rise from ground to grace the entrance to Boston again.

Probably be knocked to the ground too.

After all nothing is sacred.

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