Iran raves about 300 movie in Bangkok

Last year I bought THE 300 SPARTANS (1962) from my favorite DVD dealer, a deaf-mute rice farmer. His uplifted thumbs indicated the copy was 100%. He was right and the childhood favorite spun the heroic tale of Thermopylae, where 300 Spartans and their allies withstood the onslaught of the Persian king. They died to the man protecting their fallen king, Leonidis, who was played by Richard Egan.


Iran in 1962 was ruled by the Shah.

His comments about the movie are unknown.

Not such the case for the new version 300 based on the first film adaption to a Frank Miller’s comic book.

You would think that during the hostage crisis with the UK the Islamic national Council wouldn’t care about a stupid gladiator movie, but on 3/31 the Islamic republic News Agency lambasted Bangkok for showing the film.

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Supposedly ‘300’ has pissed off the nation with its intonations that Persia was an evil empire, while the Greeks were free-speech pederasts with epic physiques.

The INRA’s critic is actually on the money with his comments, especially since the film has been widely accepted as the truth by most viewers. Dumb MFs to the man convinced that an SUV is the answer to global hegemony when driving up to your local 7/11.

The INRA spokesperson writes about the Thai-Persia relationship, “The embassy of Islamic republic of Iran has no doubt that Thai people having in mind the long history of more than 400 hundred years of cordial relations with Iran, are aware that the story of the movie is unrealistic and is a birth child of mental fancy of the author and producers.”

Hey, whoever said Hollywood was historically accurate?

Consider that the creator of ‘300’ Frank Miller said, “THE 300 SPARTANS changed the course of my creative life.”

And also that the Spartan were renowned for their relationships with young men.

Not that I have anything against being gay when you’re under 25. Older an you’re queer. Then again the movie AIRPLANE features the great gay pick-up line, “You like gladiator movies?”

I didn’t think anything about it until after seeing GLADIATOR the maitre de said, “It’s not a real gladiator movie because there aren’t any gays.”


Remember Tony Curtis’ shame from being Lawrence Olivier’s boytoy?

300 is all pecs and abs like a Calvin Klein underwear ad.

Maybe that’s why boys like it so much.

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