BORAT -the movie

BORAT surprised movie critics and executives alike with its astounding US box office sales in 2006. The sarcastic film about a Kazakhi TV newscaster on a road trip across America somehow appealed to the public mostly because there weren’t many subtitles and they chose to think that Baron Sacha Cohen aka Ali G was ridiculing foreigners rather than insulting Americans.



I had avoided the film until my DVD dealer swore it was 100%.

No heads, no laughing, no comments.

I put on BORAT ready for a laugh.

A chuckle here. A tee-hee there, but more a sense of embarrassment for my fellow Americans. Not those that are in the film, but those who bought a ticket to this mediocre comedy. Of course if they bought WMD what’s so hard about buying this as funny?

Showing photos of his naked son? okay a little funny.

Streaking through a convention with a fat man? A little more ha-ha.

Meeting Pamela Anderson? Kid Rock supposedly broke up with the Baywatch icon over this cameo. “You humiliated me.”


Your last CD humiliated you more plus you were never funny.

After shutting off the film I read ATOMIZED by Michael Houellebecq. His grim novel about the collapse of human relationships in the 20th Century was far from funny, although I had to consider whether my loss of humor came from my recent vow of temperance.

Nothing takes the funny out of life faster than sobriety.

A  doctor tells his patient that he only has six months to live. “Is there anything I can do?”

“Yes,” Answers the doctor. “You can stop drinking, taking, drugs, and sex.”

“Will that help me live longer?”

“No, but the six months will seem longer.”


Depends on how you tell it.

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